We're happy to finally announce that the Angry Survivors' website is finally completed. Although the categories are completed, this is a long term project and therefore it will undergo maintenance from time to time so you'll see content added. Another interesting thing, for those who didn't know, is that you can also send us your artwork, screenshots and videos and we'll feature it in the appropriate galery category. You will be attributed the credit for the work and, once the community expands, it might just be what you need to become famous! Our galeries are quite empty, so we invite you with open arms to share your artwork with the community.

On another note, we have created a survey which we'd like you to fill up. We know surveys are long and boring, but we'd really appreciate if you'd take the time to complete it. The reason we created this survey is to obtain feedback about the site's content and recieve suggestions which could help us add content to the site later on. Society is filled with ideas and, as a community which rounds up members of this society, we want to know what you think.

You can find the survey by clicking on this link.


    We're the angry survivors and this is our diary. Don't be scared by the blood-coated cover. Just think about what's inside. Doesn't it interest you? Read on.


    January 2013

